ASH Wednesday is on February 14, 2024

Ash Wednesday is on February 14 this year. We will have a Drive-thru service at noon until 12:45pm, and we will have a service in the sanctuary at 6:30pm. 

DRIVE THRU ASHES 12pm-12:45pm

Click this banner (or CLICK HERE) to read the Drive-Thru scripture & blessing in your own time and prayer space. Thank you for worshiping with us. We welcome you back to hear messages about "Baggage" through small group studies and in worship for the next several weeks, and join us for Holy Week at the end of March.

Palm Sunday is March 24, 2024 and
Easter Sunday is March 31, 2024.

Click the above button for a handout explaining
the United Methodist Church's traditions and practices during the Lenten season. We hope you will join us for our Ash Wednesday events
on February 14, 2024. Times are posted in the ASH WEDNESDAY  graphic.