Starting this Sunday, I’m going to add a blog to our church web page each week. Though it’s not a novel idea, it is something that’s been tickling my brain for some time now.
There more than a few Sundays when I sit back and look over the week’s sermon and think, “That’s way too long, I’ve got to cut it back.” And because I’ve prayed through, studied, and word-smithed what’s on the page, it’s a lot harder than it should be to give up a scripture, illustration, or an application of God’s word. If you’ve heard me preach, you know that sometimes those things end up being used in the benediction. (I’ve had a few folks say that I have the longest benedictions that they’ve ever heard.) But even then, there’s bound to be something useful that ends up on the study room floor.
This blog is designed to catch those ‘outtakes’ and transform them into a way to follow up on Sunday’s sermon. You’ve heard me talk the talk, but the more relevant question is whether or not we are going to walk the walk. Another way to say it is: How do I go about applying the teaching or preaching I hear each Sunday to my own life and relationships? James says in the first chapter of his letter, verse 22, “Don’t just listen to God’s word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves.” Or as it is traditionally translated, “Be doers of the word, and not hearers only.”
I could have named the blog something like, If You Want To Take It One Step Further, or Here’s What You Can Do About it, or Never Forget Pastor Appreciation Sunday, but I settled on One More Thing… In the end, that’s what I’d like to offer my flock—one more idea, one more illustration, one more application that will make it easier for you to live out your faith in a confusing and sometimes hostile world. If it does that, then it will be well worth the effort.
May God bless you now with faith, wrapped in hope, and motivated by love—the kind of love we have been given in Christ Jesus.
Archived Posts
Let’s Not Overlook Joseph of Nazareth
I asked my research assistant—a certain ChatGPT—what the most interesting facet of Joseph’s life might be. She shared a couple of things that didn’t make it into Sunday’s sermon but you might still find inspirational...
Key Takeaway from Sunday
If I had to identify a specific take away from
Sunday’s sermon it would probably be this:
The Rest of the Story
I mentioned Russell Conwell in Sunday’s message. He was a famous preacher, educator, and lecturer. His sermon/lecture “Acres of Diamonds” was turned into a book and sold rather well. I used Conwell’s illustrations to talk about sharing the good news of Jesus with those closest to us first—family, friends, coworkers, and church family. The wider world is our ultimate aim, but until you invest in the people God has already put in your life, you are unlikely to have much success.
No One Said It Would be Easy
To love Jesus first is to learn to love all the other people in our lives with greater intensity and less selfishness
What’s Saved Is Often Lost
Here’s the benediction we didn’t have time for yesterday (Sunday, November 3). It’s one of my favorite quotations (portions of a newspaper column). I hope you find it as inspiring as I have
Leftovers Continued…
It’s not just the fact that God is un-impressed by our leftovers, it actually goes deeper than that. In a sense, Jesus is passionately and purposely opposed to anything leftover. To be a follower of Jesus Christ is to work diligently to make sure that in the end nothing at all is left over.
Less Stuff and Fewer Wants
Here’s a point I left off Sunday’s sermon due to time and length. In dealing with an Entitled mindset it is very helpful if you can Reduce Materialism and Consumerism.