One More Thing with Pastor Tim Burchill 8.15.2023

A Little Forgiveness Goes a Long Way


       I thought this week I'd just share, once again, what I used for the benediction in Sunday's worship.  I had several requests for the quote that is included within it.
      Here it is…
       There is a tendency, a kind of parody of psycho-therapy, to blame our parents for everything we don't like about ourselves.  I would be a much better person if I'd only had better parents.  I'd be a much healthier person if I'd gotten better genes.  I've fallen prey to it myself at times, and can easily devolve into a lifelong pity-party.  There is a strange comfort in in being a victim of a dysfunctional family.
       I found a quote that puts it all in perspective and I want to send you out with it this morning.

       "It's not your place to hold your parents responsible for your failings, they are as imperfect as you are.  
"It is your place to recognize that their sacrifices have allowed you the opportunity to be in this world long enough to work on and overcome those failings."

       Funny how imperfect parents often end up with imperfect children (but perfect grandchildren).  But as followers of Jesus, we know that not one of us is perfect, and yet because of His amazing grace, we most certainly are forgiven.  And many times, that's all it takes.


Archived Posts

Let’s Not Overlook Joseph of Nazareth
I asked my research assistant—a certain ChatGPT—what the most interesting facet of Joseph’s life might be.  She shared a couple of things that didn’t make it into Sunday’s sermon but you might still find inspirational...

Key Takeaway from Sunday

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Sunday’s sermon it would probably be this:

The Rest of the Story

          I mentioned Russell Conwell in Sunday’s message.  He was a famous preacher, educator, and lecturer.  His sermon/lecture “Acres of Diamonds” was turned into a book and sold rather well.  I used Conwell’s illustrations to talk about sharing the good news of Jesus with those closest to us first—family, friends, coworkers, and church family.  The wider world is our ultimate aim, but until you invest in the people God has already put in your life, you are unlikely to have much success. 

No One Said It Would be Easy

To love Jesus first is to learn to love all the other people in our lives with greater intensity and less selfishness


What’s Saved Is Often Lost         

Here’s the benediction we didn’t have time for yesterday (Sunday, November 3).  It’s one of my favorite quotations (portions of a newspaper column).  I hope you find it as inspiring as I have

Leftovers Continued…

         It’s not just the fact that God is un-impressed by our leftovers, it actually goes deeper than that.  In a sense, Jesus is passionately and purposely opposed to anything leftover.  To be a follower of Jesus Christ is to work diligently to make sure that in the end nothing at all is left over.

Less Stuff and Fewer Wants

          Here’s a point I left off Sunday’s sermon due to time and length.  In dealing with an Entitled mindset it is very helpful if you can Reduce Materialism and Consumerism.