Our purpose for the Children’s Ministry at Carmel United Methodist is to reach children for the glory of God and to give them a firm foundation. We seek to accomplish this by teaching children God’s word, showing them how to grow in their relationship with the Lord and challenging them to reach others with the gospel of Jesus Christ. We also desire to have the involvement of parents in discipling their children by spending time together in God’s word and being an example in how to live out God’s word every day. 

Children's Ministry
Shaina Murphy


 Preschool through 5th Grade: Sunday School is offered at the 10:30am Traditional and 10:45am Contemporary service for children 3 years of age thru the 5th grade. TRADITIONAL SERVICE (10:30am): Children begin in worship with their parents and then are dismissed after the children's moment to attend SUNDAY SCHOOL with their teachers, and CONTEMPORARY SERVICE (10:45am): Children go to their Sunday School classroom before parent's or caregivers go to service. Children will return to service at the end of the sermon, and before the children's moment.


INFANTS/TODDLERS: Professional, loving care is currently provided 
at the 9:00am,10:30am & 10:45am worship services. 


YOUTH: 6th-12 graders can enjoy service with their parents. And, be sure to check out the YOUTH MINISTRY PAGE for details on Youth Group times and fun events for middle school and high school aged kids.