Top Eight Tips For Doing Unto Others: Taking The Golden Rule of Jesus To The Next Level


The following are eight principles that work in almost all circumstances as we follow through on our commitment to treat others as we wish to be treated.  I intended to use this in Sunday’s sermon but totally spaced it.


One of the Biggest Rats of All Time?

          CNBC ran a story on its website listing the worst CEO’s of all time.  At the top of their list was Dick Fuld. Can you be in the rat race and not become a rat?  Sure, with God’s help you can.  But if you’re going to lead in a Christ-like way, I’m guessing you want to avoid some of Fuld’s character flaws....

Archived Posts

The Shepherd, the King, and the Rescuer


         God has got a long list of names, but some of those names are better than others.  There is a small child who thought God’s name was Harold since the Lord’s Prayer includes the phrase “Hallowed be thy name.”  When you think of all the scriptures that are most likely to be memorized you would have to include Psalm 23, The Lord’s Prayer, and John 3:16.  The danger for us is our tendency to focus on the wrong thing. 

Old Jokes Are The Best Jokes


Sunday morning, we took a look at Jesus’ command to make our enemies into neighbors and loving our neighbors as ourselves.  One of the obstacles to doing this is our growing sense of tribalism—whether it’s a political, socio-economic, or even theological tribe.

Public and Private Sin

All Was Fair Game for John the Baptist and for Christians Today


Sunday, we looked at the way John the Baptist was uncompromising about sin wherever he saw it at work.  We in the church have tended to focus mostly on private or personal holiness and have ignored prophetic judgment against public behaviors.  We didn’t have time Sunday, but I’d originally included examples of what would have been public sins back in the time of John and Jesus...

Let’s Not Overlook Joseph of Nazareth
I asked my research assistant—a certain ChatGPT—what the most interesting facet of Joseph’s life might be.  She shared a couple of things that didn’t make it into Sunday’s sermon but you might still find inspirational...

Key Takeaway from Sunday

If I had to identify a specific take away from
Sunday’s sermon it would probably be this: