Leftovers Continued…

         It’s not just the fact that God is un-impressed by our leftovers, it actually goes deeper than that.  In a sense, Jesus is passionately and purposely opposed to anything leftover.  To be a follower of Jesus Christ is to work diligently to make sure that in the end nothing at all is left over.

Entitlement Can Hit You in Ways You Might Never Suspect

          The people of God (Israel) were chosen by God to fulfill a unique calling—to be a light to all the other nations of the nations of the world.  God chose them because of their willingness to be used by Him for His purposes.   But after a while the Israelites began to think that they were chosen--not because with God they could fulfill a special purpose--but because they were a special people, uniquely favored and loved for who they were. 

Archived Posts

Matthew 24: One More Thing...

I sometimes stumble on old documents I’ve created but have completely forgotten about.  I cannot remember why I created them or what purpose they were originally supposed to serve....

Keeping the Church Doors Unencumbered

        Sunday, we considered Jesus’ disruptive actions in the Temple in light of his frustration with keeping gentiles from worshipping in their designated courtyard.  We then reflected on how we still tend to throw up roadblocks to those who don’t normally attend church.  I found the following, but didn’t have space for it in the sermon.  It’s provocative and worth chewing on for a while.

What Was the Crowd Celebrating ​on Palm Sunday?

I came across this list which feels a little like a "Greatest Hits of Jesus' Ministry".  I share it with you today for your inspiration and edification.  Enjoy!

The Best Kind of Trouble-maker


        While working on this last week’s sermon I was looking through Phillip Yancey’s excellent book—The Jesus I Never Knew—when I came across a section that I found profound.  It didn’t quite fit my sermon, but it caught my eye enough that I copied it down.

Practical Tips To Avoid Judging Others


          When I research a sermon, such as Sunday’s message on judgmentalism, I always try to think through some practical steps or tips in how to implement God’s desire for our lives.  I rustled together a herd of ideas this week and I offer them to you.