One More Thing with Pastor Tim Burchill 3.18.2024

One more thing about Pastor Jessica's message:

To Be Jesus’ BFF

       There are Bible scholars who have come to believe that Lazarus was probably the best friend Jesus had—outside his family and disciples.  He is often in the home of Mary, Martha, and their brother Lazarus.  When there, it feels like Jesus is in a place where he can let his hair down among friends.


       What an incredible compliment: to be the place at which Jesus feels most welcome and at home. To be a friend who doesn’t want something or need something or expect something from this extraordinary man.  To be able to enjoy Jesus for who he is without an agenda other than to appreciate all the things that made him unique—wow—how fantastic would that be?


       One of the undersold aspects of prayer is a kind of Listening Prayer in which we simply invite ourselves to come into the presence of Jesus on his terms, with no expectation of getting anything other than the gift of his presence.  There is great satisfaction in simply ‘being’ in a kind of reverent companionship with our Master.  In fact, Jesus goes out of his way in John’s gospel to say that he doesn’t regard us only as his disciples, or servants, or heralds—but that he welcomes us as friends.


       As we get closer and closer to Easter, I’d encourage to try and find new and creative ways to appreciate and enjoy the friendship Jesus is offering you.  Take a short ten minutes every day to come into the presence of this amazing man and let him set the agenda.  Just be in the presence of he who is in so many ways “the ground of our being.”  


       What a friend we have in Jesus, the great, old hymn proclaims.  It’s time to step into the shoes of Lazarus and learn once again what it means to move through life with that kind of companionship and friendship.


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One more thing about Pastor Jessica's message:

To Be Jesus’ BFF
       There are Bible scholars who have come to believe that Lazarus was probably the best friend Jesus had—outside his family and disciples.  He is often in the home of Mary, Martha, and their brother Lazarus.  When there, it feels like Jesus is in a place where he can let his hair down among friends.